This Side of Paradise por F. Scott Fitzgerald
This Side Of Paradise is Fitzgerald's first novel, which immediately brought him popularity. Published in 1920, it was called the best novel of the decade. The libro is about love, life and morality of American youth of those years. Emory Blaine is an American from high society. He is vain and selfish, popular with girls. He plays on the school football team, then works as an editor at the Princeton newspaper. The novel follows his growing up, the formation of his ideals.
Leer "This Side of Paradise"
... Well this side of Paradise!...
There’s little comfort in the wise.
—Rupert Brooke.
Experience is the name so many people
give to their mistakes.
—Oscar Wilde.
Tabla de contenido
- LIBRO UNO—The Romantic Egotist
- LIBRO DOS—The Education of a Personage
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